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Why Are Face Shapes Important? Learn How To Use Face Shapes For Men's Styling

Why Are Face Shapes Important? Learn How To Use Face Shapes For Men's Styling Charles-Philippe 2018-09-05T10:55:56-04:00

If you've come to learn about face shapes, you've come to the right place! In Bespoke Unit's guides to men's face shapes, we offer in-depth and informative advice on styling according to your very own face shape.

On this page, you start by learning:

  •  Why Face Shapes Are Important
  • The 7 Different Face Shapes

However, you can use the menu below to navigate through to all the guides that we offer.

Bespoke Unit Men's Face Shapes Guide


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Internet's Best Guide To Men's Face Shapes

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Why Are Face Shapes Important For Men?

A Man With Bardholz Full Beard July 2017

If there's one thing the busy gentleman needs to put five minutes aside to understand, it's his face shape. Identifying and calculating your face shape is of vital importance if you want to look your best.

A successful haircut or beard style is intrinsically linked to your very own face shape. For example, a particular pair of sunglasses may look great on your friend but rubbish on you.

Our faces are incredibly important – not just to us but to everyone we meet. Sure, you can judge a man by his shoes, but your client won't be looking you in the laces when he shakes you warmly by the hand.

When we say that our faces project everything about us to the outside world, we are not simply referring to those boyish good looks of yours. The character you exude is of vital importance.

Nevertheless, you may feel that you're suffering in the aforementioned looks department. We all have days like those. You'd be amazed in how capitalising on what you already have can make a drastic difference. With just a little knowledge, we have the power to adapt this and take control.

Harmonising Your Face Shape

The visual aspect of how we present our face differs with its proportions and shape but it's not always easy to take a step back and plan ahead. Even so, each of us have certain features that we would prefer to emphasise or even conceal.

By determining yours, you will be able to better identify these features and understand the best approach to take.

From moustaches to hairstyles, our objective is to provide the most complete and in-depth guide to face shapes that remains perfectly accessible to all men. All personal grooming content functions hand-in-hand with face shapes by providing a detailed assessment of how to adapt a particular style to your face shape.

Our guides will be able to accompany you every step of the way as you learn about your physical attributes. You can even go further and complement this new-found knowledge with other guides, such as our introductions to suits and colour theory.

The Seven Face Shapes

You're probably wondering at this point exactly how many face shapes there are out there. While some other sites can list out as many as 9 shapes, others will only sum them up into 4 or 5. The scale that best balances diversity and simplified morphological categorisation can be summarised into 7 individual face shapes:

What Next?

identify face shape men animationIf you already know your face shape, you're on the right track to maximising your potential. Just select your face shape above to learn more. However, if you don't yet know it or just want to double-check before moving forward, our easy face shape identifier takes only 5 minutes.

Note that we also offer many other guides that regularly link back to face shapes:

  • Men's Hairstyles
  • Beard Styles
  • Moustache Styles
  • Best Glasses & Frame Styles
Bespoke Unit Face Shape Guides
Reviewed by Luvo, on .
"THANK YOU Guys! This is the best site for Mens grooming (and I've been in quite a number of them)!"
Rating: 5.0 ★★★★★



  1. Luvo February 8, 2018 at 5:13 am - Reply

    This is the best site for Mens grooming (and I've been in quite a number of them). Only if my friends understood the importance of grooming one self. I would share this site and I like how you even have diagrams explaining in depth, for those that don't like to read. THANK YOU Guys!

    • Charles-Philippe February 12, 2018 at 9:54 am - Reply

      Hi Luvo! Thanks for the kind words! We worked heard to put together a series of guides that help like-minded chaps like yourself. Share away to your friends and maybe you'll convert them!

      All the best,


  2. Noshab Zaheer July 20, 2018 at 11:48 am - Reply

    I love this website
    After hours and hours of researching , i finally found an amazing in-depth detailed website which i used to get an idea of my face shape
    Love the humour too btw
    Amazing work … keep it coming

    • Hi Noshab,

      Thanks for your kind words! I hope you make great use of our site and take advantage of its resources!

      All the best,


  3. Mosquito September 1, 2018 at 5:43 am - Reply

    Thank you for the guide, images, information.

    • Paul Anthony September 1, 2018 at 9:52 am - Reply

      Dear Mosquito,

      You're welcome! Hope you can put it all to good use…

      – Paul

  4. Mosquito September 1, 2018 at 1:18 pm - Reply

    Is there on your site(s) somewhere info like that and drawn face shapes like that types (of same type/procedure/technique made), but specifically for females and with females face shapes with female human examples, in short same like those for men, but for females?

    • Paul Anthony September 1, 2018 at 3:30 pm - Reply

      Unfortunately not at this time.

      We've been very happy with the feedback and success of these male face shape guides. We have it on our content runway to have done by Q1 or Q2 2019! We're a small team, so things like this can take some time.

      Please check back next year and hopefully we've done it.

      Thanks again for your support – Paul

  5. Jason Morgan September 13, 2018 at 5:27 pm - Reply

    Is it possible to be in-between a Square and Oval face shape?

    Jawbone Length: 9.0 in/ 23 cm
    Face Length: 7.5 in/19 cm
    Forehead Length: 6.0 in/15 cm
    Cheekbone Length: 5.0 in/13 cm

    • Hi Jason,

      Yes, it is indeed possible. However, bear in mind that Square and Oval are distinctively different. While one is quite angular with strong features, the other is equally balanced but has much softer features. I'd take a visual inspection to try and determine which is the most similar.



      • Trish August 5, 2019 at 6:27 pm - Reply

        Hi, I'm not a young man. But, I'd like to try out a nes hairdo that compliments my physical features. So far, I think i resemble the diamond face drawing. I always get complimented on my cheekbones and tapered jawline although I have a wider forehead. I'm excited to see what you think.

        Here's my picture: **LINK DELETED**

        • Hi Trish,

          Happy to help!

          By the looks of the photo, I'd actually argue that you have an oval face shape as opposed to a diamond. Having an oval face shape doesn't mean that you can't have prominent cheek bones as you do. However, diamond face shapes tend to have somewhat gaunt and hollow cheeks as well as a very sharp mandible, which I wouldn't say is the case with you.

          Interestingly, we've had hundreds of requests and you're actually the first woman to reach out for advice (the bulk of them are in the identifying page)! So congratulations!

          All the best,


          • Trish August 6, 2019 at 10:47 pm

            Why thank you for congratulating me and telling my face shape. I agree with you since although I have a slimmer jawline I do look more oval. I think im just oval with a slimmer jawline. I always was heart shaped because of this trait as while as having a bigger forehead.

          • Trish August 6, 2019 at 10:49 pm

            I think the widest part of my face is my temples. So, I'm oval with a wider forehead.

          • Ah, I didn't notice with the headband! It's true that with the wider forehead, you could have a heart face shape. However, I don't think that you have a particularly small chin either. That said, I often use several face shape guides for my different features to try and get the best relevant advice.

  6. Baden Watts November 28, 2018 at 6:27 pm - Reply

    Hi, I was wondering if I can pay for some advice with regards to assisting with my face shape and the best facial hair to suit?

    • Hi Baden,

      Thanks for reaching out. A colleague has told me that he's already in communication with you via Facebook. We'll get back to you via that!



  7. Stefan Dordevic December 12, 2018 at 9:51 am - Reply


    I have the same request as Baden Watts. I would like some advice on determining my face shape since I am struggling with it.

    Best regards,

    • Hi Stefan,

      Feel free to post your questions here. You can leave links to images from Instagram or Flickr if you want to show some examples of your face shape.



      • Stefan December 12, 2018 at 1:39 pm - Reply
        • Hi Stefan,

          Happy to help!

          I'd say that you have a distinctive heart face shape. Note the way that your forehead is slightly wider than the cheekbones with a sloping jawline? Those are its classic characteristics. That said, you do have some oval face shape properties too in the corners of the jaw.



          • Stefan December 12, 2018 at 2:10 pm


            I was thinking the same but could not decide between heart and oval. Thank you for your help.

            Best regards,

          • Hi Stefan,

            Absolutely, no problem. Happy to help!



  8. Jack January 24, 2019 at 1:14 pm - Reply


    I really like your website it is extremely helpful. I've spent over a week trying to determine what kind of face shape I have and what hair style to try (or continue to use). Can you please take a quick glance at the photos in the dropbox link below and let me know your thoughts?

    *Link Deleted*


    • Hi Jack,

      Sure, I'd be happy to help.

      Firstly, I deleted the link in your original comment to respect your privacy. Out of the two photos, I'm going to refer to the second one. While the first one is good because of the natural lighting, the short focal length of the front camera won't yield accurate results.

      Looking at your portrait and comparing the features, it would appear that you overall have an oblong face shape. However, aside from the face length, your other measurements are very similar. Furthermore, you also have an angular jawline.

      Therefore, it would appear that while your overall face shape would be oblong, it has certain hallmarks are a square face shape.

      My advice would be to use tips from both of these face shape guides to determine the best styles for you.

      All the best,


  9. Dhruv May 7, 2019 at 9:34 am - Reply

    Hi sir
    I'm confused about my face shape
    Face length – 20cm
    Jawline. – 22cm
    Forehead. -. 17cm
    Cheekbones -. 16cm
    Please help me
    My face link.

    • Hi Dhruv,

      Sadly, I can't look at your link. You'll need to make it public or available for anyone to view with a link so I can see it. Please send it again with those done so I can check. I've deleted it as we do with all links sent to protect your privacy.

      However, it seems to be that you have a triangle face shape judging by the measurements.



  10. Zane May 31, 2019 at 1:19 pm - Reply


    Tried leaving a comment, but doesn't seem to be working!

    Would it be possible to say what face shape you think I am. Article is great, but I seem to fall between categories.

    Forehead – 5 1/4
    Cheek – 5 1/4
    Jaw – 9 or 10
    Face length – 8 1/4

    Jaw is angular versus round.


    • Hi Zane,

      I think that I already replied to your comment but that was a reply to someone else further up. I would say that you have a triangle face shape, which is slightly oblong.

      All the best,


  11. Thijs vd Stappen June 13, 2019 at 2:08 pm - Reply

    Hey CP

    This is a link to my face: **LINK DELETED**
    The problem is i dont know wich shape it is.

    Thijs vd Stappen

    • Hi Thijs,

      Thanks for commenting. It would appear that you have the strong jawline of a triangle face shape but with an oblong length. There is also some resemblance to a square face shape. However, I would say that you're mostly triangle with a touch of oblong.

      All the best,


  12. Saurabh June 14, 2019 at 1:51 pm - Reply

    Hi ,

    Can you help me in determining my face shape and rhe hairstyle that will look best on it.

    Here's a link to my image **LINK DELETED**

    • Hi,

      Sorry, the link isn't working unfortunately.



  13. Saurabh June 14, 2019 at 3:21 pm - Reply

    Please check this link. This link will work

    • Hi Saurabh,

      It appears that you have a classic oval shape!



  14. Farhan August 16, 2019 at 5:27 pm - Reply

    Hey! I need help to find out my face shape please.
    Forehead 16 cm
    Cheekbone 13 cm
    Jaw 28 cm
    Face Length 24 cm

    • Hi Farhan,

      Looks like you have a possible triangle face shape there.



  15. Javier August 26, 2019 at 3:54 pm - Reply

    Hello once again, Charles Philippe

    A year ago I was told I was between a round and an oval face shape. I have a photo as to when I was 20 years old back in 2004, and I want to know your opinion of the face shape I had back then which looks different than what I look now after gaining some weight. With that being said, from the looks of this photo it appears to me that I had a square shaped face, which back then I didn't realize I had.

    What do you think?

    Compared to today 2019?


    Thanks Charles!

    • Hi Javier,

      Nice to hear from you again!

      I'd say that you maybe once had a square-shaped face but today it's more oval – I wouldn't say that it's round. Don't worry, I used to have a diamond face shape, which has filled out considerably over the years!



  16. Javier August 28, 2019 at 4:47 pm - Reply

    Thanks Charles, always a pleasure, more props to you…Sorry for the bother

    • Not at all! Happy to have helped!

    • Beck Chris September 2, 2019 at 9:06 am - Reply

      Can you help me tell my face shape.
      Jaw length = 27cm
      F.L = 18cm
      C.B.W = 18cm
      F.W = 15cm
      I have a very angular face with a strong jawline.

      • Hi Chris,

        Sounds like a pretty solid triangle face shape!



  17. Jim August 30, 2019 at 10:54 pm - Reply

    Hello! I'm having trouble with finding my face shape. Here's a photo. Thank you in advance.

    • Hi Jim,

      Looks to me like you have a distinctive heart face shape.



  18. raghav September 8, 2019 at 9:33 am - Reply

    plz tell my faceshape
    Jaw length = 9
    F.L =8
    C.B.W =7 but my nose is little bit long in height
    F.W = 7

    • Hi Raghav,

      You might have a slight triangle face shape judging by these measurements.



    • raghav uniyal September 9, 2019 at 1:31 pm - Reply

      This all measurements are in inch so one inch make a huge difference 🙁🙁

      • It can, yes. Triangle face shapes aren't a bad thing, you know?

        • raghav uniyal September 10, 2019 at 10:27 am - Reply

          Yes I know this and I want it but I don't know I think I have oblong face or rectangular face shape I am very comfuse and can you tell me a hairstyle which look good at both face

          • You can leave a link to a photo of your face in your next comment and I'll be able to tell you precisely.



  19. raghav uniyal September 11, 2019 at 2:48 am - Reply

    Yes ofcourse
    Instagram: **LINK DELETED**
    And I also use some app like face shape measurement they also tell me that I have a oblong face
    Now you decided what is my face shape

    • I actually disagree with the app as you don't have an oblong face at all. Yours is more oval but with a more structured, triangle-style jawline. I recommend that you refer to both guides for styling advice.

      As for hairstyles, I wouldn't recommend anything too short. I think it's best that you keep some length at the top as well as a bit of the sides. A messy comb-over with a side part and fringe would be quite good. You could also have slight disconnected undercut but avoid having it too short on the sides. If you also keep it somewhat messy, it should suit you quite well.

      Hope this helps!



  20. raghav uniyal September 12, 2019 at 9:52 am - Reply

    Thanks let's try this also

  21. Yluzi juzi December 19, 2019 at 11:05 pm - Reply

    Hello, I tried using all the guides and measuring myself but somehow I always get different results. I think I have a diamond face but if you could please tell me your honest opinion I would really appreciate it. I will drop links of my photos below from different angles, different times.


    Thank you very much! I really appreciate your work ✓

    • Hi Yluzi,

      Firstly, our face shapes change as we grow up. As such, I'm not going to take into account the one when you were very young. It appears that today you have an overall triangle face shape. However, there are also some diamond features – especially in the cheekbones.



  22. Johannes Åkesson January 9, 2020 at 9:37 am - Reply

    Hi there! Thanks for a great site, It is very helpful! I would be very pleased if you could help me figure out my faceshape. I can´t deside if I am a diamond or a oblong. I send you links to some pictures.


    Kind regards // Johannes Åkesson

    • Hi Johannes,

      Looks like you have a primarily triangle face shape with a hint of oblong in the length. I'd mostly use the triangle face shape guides but occasionally refer to oblong advice too.



  23. astro fizikos January 13, 2020 at 10:24 am - Reply

    Hi, I think I asked you before, however want to double check whether my face shape is really triangular or not. Previously I posted pictures that were fairly old. Now I am posting new pictures, that are all taken during last 3-4 months. I just look different because of different styles that I have tried to implement but they are all new. Previously I have been told that I have a triangular face, however I have a feeling that now I am more inclined to be oval,oblong,heartish.
    Please double check as I'm posting new photos and also, if you could, recommend me a hair and beard style that you would think suits me the most.

    Thanks ^^^


    • Hi Astro,

      It depends on the photo. With your hair up, it looks like you have an oblong face. With it down, it appears more triangular. I think you have a combination of both so I'd use both our guides for advice if I were you. Basically, try to opt for hairstyles with less height but look for volume on the sides to offset the length.

      The longer swept-back hairstyle looked pretty good on you, for example!



  24. Giorgi orko January 31, 2020 at 3:58 pm - Reply

    Hi, could you please tell me my face shape? Thanks


    • Hi Giorgi,

      Looks like a classic oval face shape to me!



  25. Damjan March 29, 2020 at 7:11 pm - Reply

    Hey! I need help to find out my face shape please.
    Face lenght:18cm

    • Hi Damjan,

      Looks like oblong to me but we've already exchanged if I'm not mistaken!

      All the best,


  26. Sebastian Mikaelsen April 12, 2020 at 12:23 pm - Reply


    I just stumbled upon your website and really appreciate all the advice you give and the help in the comments. I think t's very impressive that you manage to respond to all the comments(-=

    After reading the post I couldn't quite figure out my face shape either and would appreciate if you maybe could help.


    Best Regards Sebastian

    • Hi Sebastian,

      Many thanks for your kind words! It's a pleasure to help!

      The good news is that you have a very interesting face shape. The less good news is that since it's unique, it doesn't fit into a single category! I'd argue that you have a primarily oblong face shape because of its length. You have a forehead that indicates a heart face shape but your jawline is too strong for this. Meanwhile, you also have prominent cheekbones, which is a hallmark of diamond face shapes.

      Overall, I would say that you have an oblong face shape with some diamond features. You can use both face shape guides to help with styling.

      All the best,


      • Sebastian April 17, 2020 at 4:45 pm - Reply

        Thanks for your response. Glad it wasn't just me who wasn't able to match it to any of the excisting shapes(-=

      • Sebastian April 19, 2020 at 1:07 pm - Reply

        *continuation of earlier reply*
        I have now looked through the different hairstyle for all 3 of the mentioned face shapes, but i am a bit confused as to which of them matters the most when choosing a hairstyle. Perhaps you have an idea about a specific hairstyle that will fit me the best preferably medium or long length. Normally i rock the pompadour but am of course open for changing to something that fits me better.

        Best regards

        • Hi Sebastian,

          The best approach is to open each guide and look at your features to jot down a few notes that are specific to you. For example, your oblong face length means that you should avoid sides that are too short. Meanwhile, diamond features, which also need a bit of width on the side, suit hairstyles that aren't too angular with lots of volume.

          The only contradiction is that heart face shapes want length on top whereas oblong face shapes don't. Nevertheless, both need a little volume on the sides.

          Basically, a pomp is fine as long as the sides aren't too short. Comb-overs and side-parts are easy solutions that work for all face shapes. Meanwhile, you could potentially opt for an undercut or a faux hawk with a low fade.



  27. Victor Akobundu April 15, 2020 at 7:02 pm - Reply

    Hi, please could you tell me my face shape?
    Forehead: 17.2cm
    Cheekbones: 16.1cm
    Jawline: 22cm
    Face length:23cm

    • Hi Victor,

      Looks like an oblong face shape to me!

      All the best,


  28. Adam April 28, 2020 at 9:07 am - Reply

    Hey, I've measured up via the tutorial and am purportedly diamond shaped, but am still unsure. Mind checking it out? I'm also going for a (government sanctioned!) haircut soon so if you could help me out with that I'd be very grateful as well. Thanks.


    • Hi Adam,

      Looks like a diamond face shape is the closest one. I'd recommend avoiding long hair like in your first photo as I initially thought that you had a heart face shape! It looks absolutely fine but if you're wanting to use our guides, it's a great example of how hairstyles can change your appearance. Love the slick side part, though!

      All the best,


  29. Abood May 13, 2020 at 11:47 am - Reply

    please help me find my face shape
    Face length:22
    forehead: 15-16
    cheekbones: 16
    jaw: 18
    note: my jaw and cheekbones appear to the same width and my forehead is slightly narrower than both of them when i look in the mirror…
    I'm confused…

    • Hi Abood,

      Would an oblong face shape fit your description?



      • Abood May 14, 2020 at 7:46 pm - Reply

        I think im oval shape because my forehead appears a bit smaller than my cheekbones and my jaw

        • It's hard to say with the beard but it appears more oblong than oval right now from what I can tell.

  30. Rayan May 14, 2020 at 8:50 pm - Reply

    help me find my face shape please
    link :
    note: my forehead appears smaller when i get a cut or when my hair is wet,
    and i think i have an oval shape face

    • Rayan May 14, 2020 at 8:56 pm - Reply

      and i see that my cheekbones and jaw are the same width but my forehead appears a bit smaller

      • Unfortunately, the Unsee image has already expired so I can't check. It's hard to say with just a few measurements. Could you send an image again?

  31. Rayan May 15, 2020 at 7:23 am - Reply
    • Hi Rayan,

      Sadly, Unsee doesn't seem to work very well. Nevertheless, I did get a quick look. You have the defined cheekbones of a diamond face shape so it's worth bearing that in mind. However, I would say that you're primarily a triangle face shape with a hint of oblong given your face length.



      • Rayan May 15, 2020 at 6:51 pm - Reply

        so i have a triangle face shape? i can resend the picture if you want to confirm cuz tomorrow i am getting a haircut for a special occasion

        • Hi Rayan,

          paste an Instagram, Flickr, Reddit, or Google Drive image and I can have a closer look.



  32. Rayan May 21, 2020 at 2:49 pm - Reply

    Here is a link : **LINK DELETED**

    • Hi again Rayan,

      After a closer look, I would say that you have an overall oblong face shape with square features. I wouldn't say diamond as your forehead and jawline are too pronounced. Meanwhile, it's not triangle as your forehead appears slightly sider than your jawline.

      Hope this helps!



  33. Sarbesh May 28, 2020 at 6:18 am - Reply

    Hi chareles,
    I made my face measurements as you instructed above.but it doesn't comes under of the given parameters. Could me help me figure out the shape of my face?
    Face length : 21cm
    Forehead : 18cm
    Jawline ≈17.5 cm
    Cheek bones : 15
    ( Face length,forehead,jawline,cheekbones)

    • Looks like an oblong face shape to me!



  34. Pashtetis soko May 29, 2020 at 4:17 pm - Reply

    Hi I am Asking for a friend


    What face shape do you think the guy with the mustache might have. I am guessing round, or heart or a mix of these two but would appreciate your views about this.

    • Hi Pashtetis,

      Yes, it looks like mostly a round face shape. However, it isn't far from oval.

      All the best,


  35. Eashwar July 4, 2020 at 9:21 am - Reply

    The measurements for my face are :
    Jaw line>facelength>cheek bone=forehead
    Wat is my face shape type
    Pls help

    • Hi Eashwar,

      Normally a large jawline measurement indicates a triangle face shape.



  36. Eden July 25, 2020 at 8:09 pm - Reply

    I need a little bit of help. I'm not sure if I have an oblong or oval face shape. Both seem to be the face shape I have. Different apps and websites have different result. Some say oval, others oblong.
    I have what seems to be a mixture of the too. So hairstyle wise, oblong shouldn't have volume on top, yet oval face shapes should have volume on top. So what do I do? Thank you so much

    • Hi Eden,

      It's very possible to have a hybrid face shape that combines the two. My best advice is to keep your hairstyle balanced with a similar length on top to the sides, which are just slightly shorter.

      All the best,


  37. steve August 28, 2020 at 2:25 pm - Reply

    I have been having some trouble identifying my face shape as it does not seem to distinctly fit into any one category
    my face measurements are forehead 17, cheekbone 16, jawline 20, length 21

    • Hi Steve,

      It's quite possible that your face shape consists of several types. This isn't uncommon as it's impossible to account for everyone with just 7 profiles. Here, it appears that you're a combination of triangle and oblong, for example.

      All the best,


  38. Nicholas Kedge August 28, 2020 at 6:14 pm - Reply

    Hey, I've done the measurements and I'm stuck in a bit of a confusing spot so I was wondering if you'd have any thoughts?

    Forehead: 5 inches
    Cheekbones: just about 6 inches
    Jawline: 7.5 inches
    Face length: 9.5 inches

    By the measurements I'd be a triangle, but the main reason that my jawline measures 7.5 is because it is long as opposed to being wide, and looking in the mirror it looks to be the same size as or a bit smaller than my cheekbones, which are definitely the most prominent feature, though none of my facial features are super chiseled. The closest comparison I could make would be like Joseph Gordon Levitt but with a narrower forehead and a slightly longer face.

    Any ideas of what it might be?

    • Hi Nicholas,

      Triangle face shapes can have prominent cheekbones. Similarly, the jawline doesn't have to be wide but it can be long too. You may be an overall triangle face shape with some oblong features given the length. It's not uncommon to be a combination of more than one profile.



      • Nicholas Kedge September 2, 2020 at 3:35 pm - Reply

        Thanks Charles! That definitely helps, and looking now i can definitely see my face being a combo of triangle and oblong. Are there any styles or guidelines you'd give for that particular combo, since the oblong guide suggests less volume but the triangle guide suggests a generous amount of volume on top? (For the record, my hair is naturally curly and a bit thin in certain spots)

        • Hi Nicholas,

          An oblong and triangle combo is going to be a little more balanced than a face shape that's just one of the two. This gives you more wiggle room when styling. Aim for a relatively balanced haircut with sides that aren't too much different in length to the top.

          All the best,


  39. McKenzie L Adkins September 10, 2020 at 12:27 am - Reply

    Hmm I seem to be a cross between Triangle and Diamond? Perhaps a Hexagram? My jawline is longest, followed by by face length. Forehead and Cheekbones are roughly the same. I am 6'4″ with Elf like ears. It's all very angular. Any recommendations? Am I safe to play with recommendations fron both Triangle and Diamond?

    • Hi McKenzie,

      Yes, it's perfectly possible to be a combination of these two types. Indeed, I recommend that you use recommendations from both by cross-referencing them.

      All the best,


  40. muhammad September 25, 2020 at 1:22 pm - Reply

    i am 15 and i have facial hair but i dont have that much off hair how can i get more hair to come out

    • Hi Muhammad,

      It's perfectly normal at your age. Don't rush it and let it develop naturally. Shaving regularly or letting it grow won't make any difference so don't feel that you have to sport a patchy beard or shave too much to accelerate its growth. I would just shave normally until it gets thicker, to be honest.

      There are some products that can encourage hair growth. However, I wouldn't use them until you're at least 20 and have fully physically developed. There may be consequences if you use them too early as some have steroids.

      All the best,


  41. Christian January 11, 2021 at 5:14 am - Reply

    HI CP,
    My face length is 20cm, jawline is 20cm, cheekbones 17.5 cm and forehead is 12.5 cm. When I look at the mirror I can see that my jawline is quite defined, and the jawline and cheekbones look like they are at the same level, but jawline is fairly long, maybe that's why its measurement is bigger than my cheekbones, otherwise they look identical, with jawline being slightly wider(maybe 0.5 or 1cm) than my cheekbones. What do you think is my face shape?

    • Hi Christian,

      Initially, I'd say that it's square but given that you have a narrower forehead, I'd argue that you have a triangle face shape.

      All the best,


  42. Christian January 11, 2021 at 6:10 am - Reply

    Thanks for the help CP but which face shape do you think is more dominant, the square or triangle?

  43. Christian January 11, 2021 at 7:57 am - Reply

    Thanks for the help CP,
    My cheekbones are quite visible, I'm having high cheekbones, but they are not hollow. Is this a characteristic of triangular face shape or some other shape?

    • Yeah, sounds generally more like a triangle trait.

  44. Steven January 12, 2021 at 9:03 pm - Reply

    Hi sir
    I'm confused about my face shape
    Face length – 8,5 inch
    Jawline. – 4,2 inch
    Forehead. -. 5,5 inch
    Cheekbones -.5,5 inch


    • Hi Steven,

      This looks like an oblong face shape.

      All the best,


  45. Keiran O'Hare January 22, 2021 at 9:32 am - Reply

    Hi Charles

    Thanks for the excellent amd comprehensive guide.

    I'd love a second opinion on what shaped face I am…

    Have you an email where I could potentially send you my pics.

    All the best and best health


    • Hi Keiran,

      We prefer comments for face shape consultations. Just leave a link to a public image and I'll delete it before the comment is published with my reply.

      All the best,


  46. Keiran O'Hare January 22, 2021 at 10:25 am - Reply

    Hi Charles

    I can attach a link no problem ,

    I was thinking heart oval circle or diamond but wasn't sure.

    Thanks again for the website and quick reply.

    The links are below


    • Hi Keiran,

      I'd say that you're closer to square than anything else as your jawline is quite strong. However, there are some heart features in there such as the chin, too. It's perfectly normal to fit into several categories (the world's male population could never consist of just 7 basic face shapes).

      I suggest that you take general advice from our square shape recommendations. However, it's worth referring to some heart tips when taking into account your chin and the slight slope from your forehead and cheekbone widths.

      Hope that this helps!



  47. Keiran O'Hare January 22, 2021 at 11:39 am - Reply

    Thank you so much! I hadn't considered square ! So In terms of a hair and beard style would you recommend to take hair advice from square and beard from heart ? Or what hair and beard style would you recommend after seeing the photos.?

    Thanks so much for your help!

    Wishing you happy health In this pandemic

    All the best


    • Thanks, Keiran! At the bottom of each hair and beard guide on this site, you'll see how they suit different face shapes. I'd say that you should take most notice of the square face shape advice but you can also check the heart face shape to see what it says.

      All the best,


  48. Jon January 27, 2021 at 4:21 pm - Reply

    Hey Charles,
    Been coming to this site for such a long time now; it's been a ton of help and quite eye opening!
    I've been bouncing all over the place in terms of what my face shape is, I see some elements of heart square and oval but it's hard for me to tell. Mind taking a stab at it?

    • Hi Jon,

      Thanks for the kind words! By the looks of it, I'd say that your face shape is mostly oval, really. Indeed, you do have what seems to be a slightly wider forehead, a heart feature, and a strong jawline, a square feature. But between them all, it's definitely oval. I'd just keep those particular features in mind when making styling decisions.

      All the best,


  49. Steve Chen February 3, 2021 at 5:29 pm - Reply

    Hi sir, can you help me ?

    Face length – 8,5 inch
    Jawline. – 4 / 4,1 / 4,2 inch x 2
    Forehead. – 5,5 inch
    Cheekbones – 5,1 / 5,2 inch

    Wishing you happy health In this pandemic

    • Hi Steve,

      Looks oval to me.

      All the best,


      • Steve Chen February 4, 2021 at 5:35 am - Reply

        Oh, thanks sir.
        I feel my face is oblong, because it is almost close. So what's more dominant sir?

        • Sorry, I made a mistake in my previous comment. I meant oblong, too.

          All the best,


  50. RS March 25, 2021 at 5:47 pm - Reply

    Hi CP, really interesting site you got here, I would definitely find it useful if I could figure out what my face shape actually was? What do you think?


    • Hi RS,

      Looks like an oval face shape to me.

      All the best,


  51. Sk April 26, 2021 at 9:25 am - Reply

    Hey Charles,

    What do you think my face shape is?

    Thank you!!!

    • Hi SK,

      Looks like a healthy oval shape with a hint of square features.

      All the best,


  52. Pranav July 6, 2021 at 12:29 am - Reply

    My forehead is 14.4 cm
    Cheekbone is 14.9cm
    Jawline is 19.8cm
    Face length is 17.9cm
    Can anyone Please tell my face structure

    • Probably triangle but it's likely that it has a slight oblong characteristic, too.

      • Pranav July 7, 2021 at 12:21 am - Reply

        Thanks Charles you were a great help

  53. Mohammad July 8, 2021 at 6:05 am - Reply

    I'm not sure what my face shape is

    Forehead: 11cm
    Cheekbones: 16cm ( sometimes 15cm)
    Face length: 20cm
    Jawline: 20 to 22cm

    I think my face shape is Triangle, right?

    • I'd say triangle, yeah. But since you have a long face length, it could be a combination of triangle and oblong, too.

      All the best,


      • Mohammad July 8, 2021 at 10:35 am - Reply
  54. Mr. Roland July 12, 2021 at 6:09 pm - Reply

    Wondering if i'm oblong or triangle? I think it looks longer then it is in reality, the cheekbones are the widest, followed by forehead and I have a pointy chin

    • Hi Mr. Roland,

      I'd definitely say oblong overall.

      All the best,


  55. Or July 14, 2021 at 12:28 pm - Reply

    Hello, I'm not sure what's my face shape

    Forehead: 17cm
    Cheekbones: 17cm
    Face length: 21cm
    Jawline: 22cm

    Please help me. Have a nice day :)

    • Hi Or,

      Probably triangle, I believe.



  56. John Whelan September 8, 2021 at 8:42 am - Reply

    Hi guys just came across your website last night and joined yeour pages on Instagram it's a great page and delighted to have found your page thanks just wondering could ye please do me a favour I'm trying with years to figure out my face shape just wondering could ye help me so I know what shape I am please all measurements are in inches👍
    Length 7.5
    Forehead 4
    Check 4
    Jawline 8
    Hopefully ye can help me please boys

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What Shape Face Do I Have App


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