the book

Mobile UI Design Book of Trends

2015 & 2016

Mobile trends and best practices for everyday design. Analyzes 79 examples and includes 61 favorite resources.

  • Useful trends deconstructed into tips for everyday design
  • 79 examples reflecting the best techniques for mobile UX
  • 61 of our designers' favorite resources curated
  • Dozens of visual case studies explaining the methods behind eye candy
  • Best practices shown from companies like Slack, Nike, Google, Apple, Buzzfeed, Spotfiy, Waze, Tinder, and others.
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  • Carrie Cousins

    Carrie Cousins

    Carrie Cousins has more than 15 years of experience creating content for web and digital publications. Cousins, who is a designer and writer, also has an MBA from Virginia Tech. She's a runner and participates in dog sports with three Australian Shepherds. Follow me on Twitter.

  • Jerry Cao

    Jerry Cao

    Jerry Cao is a UX Content Strategist at UXPin. In his spare time he enjoys playing electric guitar, watching foreign horror films, and expanding his knowledge of random facts. Follow him on Twitter.

  • Ryan Thomas Riddle

    Ryan Thomas Riddle

    Ryan Thomas Riddle is a UX Content Strategist at UXPin. He is an award-winning writer for his work as a mild-mannered reporter for the Bay Area newspaper, The Daily Post. His previous work has appeared in the San Francisco Bay Guardian. Formerly, he worked for ZURB, a digital product design company, as their Lead Editor. You can read all about his adventures through time and space on Twitter, @ryantriddle. You can find more of his writing on his personal website.